I cannot believe Emilia is already 4 months old! Where is the time going?!? As we enter into the fourth month, we are really starting to see Emmy's personality shine. She loves communicating with us, rolling over, smiling, lifting up her head, and sucking her thumb. She's a pretty good sleeper, she has no problem laying down and falling asleep alone in her bassinet. I will have to admit though, I do bring her into our bed after her first feeding. She remains there for the rest of the night... I just can't help it, I love snuggling with her. She isn't going to be small for much longer, so I am trying to cherish every moment.
We were at a friend's pool recently when I decided to dip Emmy's legs in the water. Because she loves the bath so much, I figured she might enjoy being in the pool. Low and behold... She wasn't phased by the water at all! She just looked down at the sparkling water as if she were in a deep, contemplative thought.