This last week we started seeing some major changes in Emilia! Last Friday, she stuck her tongue out for the first time ever...which is awesome since we thought she may be tongue tied. It's now one of her favorite things to do! Another one of her favorite activities is army crawling. She's been "crawling" for awhile now, but only recently has she crawled with real purpose. She can now identify a toy she wants, and crawl her way to that specific toy. Not only is she crawling to these toys, she is also taking in the details of her surroundings. For example... I usually keep my cell phone on the window sill behind the couch. Emilia knows this, and searches for my phone every time she is standing on my lap. When she sees my phone, she immediately climbs up my body, grabs my phone, and puts it in her mouth. Not only is her hand eye coordination getting to be amazing, her recognition memory is dramatically increasing each and every day.
Another major milestone we hit this week was the introduction of solid food. This milestone defines a real turning point, and I am so not ready for it. I love love love love (have I mentioned that I LOVE) nursing her, so while I know she needs to be introduced to solid food now, it's been kind of hard on me. Despite the fact that it's been hard, I decided to feed Emmy solid food this past Wednesday night. Emmy sees the Pediatrician soon, so I wanted to make a few attempts with feeding her, in the case that I had any questions/concerns. I decided to start off with a homemade carrot puree in which I had high hopes for. Unfortunately, she absolutely hated it. I haven't attempted to introduce any more food, but will probably feed her rice cereal in the next few days.
Emilia's school was closed this past week so my Mom and brother came down to watch Emilia while I worked. As you can see in the above photo, Emilia loves her Uncle Jack! They had so much fun together this week.
This face sums up the entire eating experience!
OH- I almost forgot to mention that we also introduced Emilia to a jumper this week. She was afraid of it alt first but now it's her favorite activity! We set the default language to Spanish, in hopes that she starts taking in Ivan's native language.